使用條款 – 繁體中文 臺灣
Disney DTC LLC 及/或其關係企業和子公司(統稱為「迪士尼」或「本公司」)樂意以任 何現在已知或其後開發的任何媒體格式或管道為台端提供可能標有迪士尼、ABC、ESPN、漫威(Marvel)、皮克斯(Pixar)、盧卡斯影業(Lucasfilm)、FX、探照燈影業(Searchlight Pictures)、二十世紀影業(20th Century Studios)、國家地理(National Geographic)或由迪士尼擁有或授權的其他品牌的特定網站、軟體、應用程式、內容、產品和服務(「迪士尼產品 」和「產品」)。對迪士尼產品的引述亦包括迪士尼產品的任何元素。
如果台端與本公司之間存有任何爭議(於小額法院解決的爭議或與智慧財產權的所有權或執行有關的爭議除外),均受到拋棄集體訴訟之約束,並必須通過具約束力之單一仲裁人予以解決。請閱讀仲裁條文(下文第 8 節),因其會影響台端於本合約下的權利。
A. 具拘束力之合約 — 本使用條款(「本協議」)為台端與 Disney DTC LLC(一家德拉瓦州有限公司,於 500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, California 91521, USA營業)及其關係公司和子公司之間的合約。除本協議明確規定外,本協議無第三方受益人。
B. 協議 — 無論台端是否已經創建了一個迪士尼帳戶或一個等同得用於迪士尼產品之統 一帳戶(並於創建該帳戶時同意遵守本協議),或無論台端是否僅簡易瀏覽、使用或 存取由迪士尼直接提供或通過第三方提供的迪士尼產品(並在瀏覽、使用或存取迪士尼產品的任何一部分時同意遵守本協議),台端向迪士尼聲明台端已閱讀、理解並明確同意受本協議及其中包含或引用的條款、細則和通知拘束。如果台端不同意本協議,則台端不得使用迪士尼產品。
C. 補充條款 — 本協議於一般情況下適用於迪士尼產品。更多特定及/或補充的條款及細則可能適用於某些產品,包括但不限於特定的競賽、抽獎或推廣活動、軟體、應用程式、推廣代碼、服務或其他活動;特定商品、內容、節目或其他活動的可用性;就特定年齡以下的用戶對迪士尼產品的條款或其他限制;及/或某些地區、節目、內容、產品、網站、應用程式或其他軟體可能附帶的特定條款或限制。任何補充條款及細則均為本協議的附加條款,以及如與本協議有衝突之處,以補充條款為準。如果台端不同意本公司向您揭露之應適用的補充條款及細則,則您不得使用迪士尼產品。
D. 變更 — 本公司可能需要不時及基於多種原因對本協議的任何部分進行修改,原因包括反映迪士尼產品的更新或法律的變更。如果本公司對本協議作出重大變更,於適用法律准許的範圍內,該變更將在本公司向台端發出通知後、本公司透過迪士尼產品發布修訂條款後、本公司通過向台端提供迪士尼產品的第三方發布修訂條款後、或於 disneytermsofuse.com 上發布修訂條款後的三十(30)天後生效。您有責任定期查看本協議的更新和變更。藉由持續使用迪士尼產品將被視為您已同意並接受任何變更。如果台端不同意對本協議的任何變更,台端必須停止使用迪士尼產品。本公司的客戶服務代表無權以口頭或書面之形式修改本協議的任何條款。
E. 帳戶 — 除迪士尼帳戶或等同得用於迪士尼產品之統一帳戶外,部分迪士尼產品可能允許或要求台端創建帳戶以參與或獲得附加利益。台端同意您所提供和維持的資訊均為準確、最新及完整的資訊,包括您的帳戶資訊、您接收本公司發送之通知和其他通訊的聯絡資訊,以及您的付款資訊。台端同意不偽造或不實聲明台端與任何人或實體間之任何關係(其中包括使用他人之使用者名稱、密碼或其他帳戶資訊,或其他人之姓名或肖像),亦不會提供父母或監護人的虛假不實之訊息。台端同意本公司得採取措施核實您所提供的資訊之準確性,包括父母或監護人之聯絡資訊。
F. 密碼與安全性 — 台端同意不與他人共享您的帳戶或帳戶資訊。台端應負責對您的使 用者名稱和密碼採取合理保密措施,並對您的帳戶下得由您合理控制之所有活動負責。台端同意若知悉任何未經授權使用您的使用者名稱、密碼或其他帳戶資訊之行為,或台端意識到涉及您的帳戶或迪士尼產品的任何其他違反網路安全事件,您應及時通知本公司。
G. 電子通知 — 台端同意通過您提供的電子郵件地址接收本公司之通知,包括協議、揭露和其他通訊。台端同意該等電子通知符合法律上對於以書面形式進行此類通訊之法律規定之要件。
H. 終止或中止 — 於適用法律准許之範圍內,如果法律要求或本公司有客觀理由相信台端違反了本協議或任何補充條款之任何規定,及/或在您使用迪士尼產品時從事或鼓勵侵權或任何其他非法行為,本公司得終止或中止您存取任何迪士尼產品,及/或終止本協議(受下文提供之存續條款拘束)。
迪士尼產品,包括但不限於電影、電視節目、娛樂或資訊性節目、預告片、額外素材、劇 本、代碼、圖像和藝術作品,均為本公司或本公司之授權方的著作權、專利或商標權財產,所有迪士尼產品之著作權、商標、服務標章、商號、商業外觀、專利和其他智慧財產權均歸本公司或本公司之授權方(可能是本協議之第三方受益人)所有,並受到美國和國際條約之著作權、商標、專利和其他法律之保護。
A. 消費者授權 — 如果迪士尼產品或第三方根據本協議下提供迪士尼產品使台端能夠使 用本公司擁有或授權之軟體、內容、虛擬物品或其他資料,則本公司授予您有限、非 排他性、不得轉授權及不得轉讓之權利,但僅限於您個人和非商業用途之目的存取及使用該軟體、內容、虛擬物品或其他資料,且僅限於本公司或本公司授權之第三方為您提供該迪士尼產品期間,並僅限於根據本協議及/或適用於該迪士尼產品之特定條款下使用,並且無權複製、分發、公開傳播、公開提供或轉換任何迪士尼產品,包括以現在已知或其後設計之任何媒體形式或管道進行與任何人工智能或機器學習工具、模型、系統、演算法、產品或其他技術(「AI 工具」)相關的任何使用、創建、開發、修改、提示、微調、訓練、測試、基準或驗證(在迪士尼產品內明確描述或按照迪士尼產品預期之方式使用除外)。此為授權協議,非屬迪士尼產品之任何權利的買賣或轉讓協議。除非本公司以書面形式明確同意,否則迪士尼產品之任何元素除向台端提供之授權產品之一部分外皆不應以任何其他方式被使用或被利用。台端得擁有向您提供之迪士尼產品元素之實體媒體,惟本公司仍保留對迪士尼智慧財產權之完全及完整之所有權。本公司並未轉讓迪士尼網站、軟體、應用程式、內容、虛擬物品或其他資料及/或服務之任何部分的法定權利給您。同樣,購買使用任何迪士尼產品之使用授權並不因此產生對迪士尼網站、軟體、應用程式、內容、虛擬物品或其他資料及/或服務之所有權權益。
B. 台端對於迪士尼產品之使用限制 — 台端同意在未經本公司之明確書面授權之情況下,您不得從事亦不應允許他人進行以下任何行為,且此等限制乃台端獲得授權之條件:
i. 規避或停用於迪士尼產品相關上使用之任何內容保護系統或數位版權管理技術;
ii. 複製迪士尼產品(經本公司明確授權除外);
iii. 轉播、傳輸或演出迪士尼產品;
iv. 就迪士尼產品或其任何部分創建衍生作品,只有在適用之法律禁止的情況下;才排除上述限制之適用。
v. 移動、反編譯、逆向工程、解構或以其他方式將迪士尼產品及/或影片播放器、底層技術、任何數位版權管理機制、裝置或於影片播放器中置入的其他內容保護或存取管制措施轉換為人類可讀取之形式;
vi. 修改迪士尼產品,包括但不限於刪除迪士尼產品的標識、著作權或其他專有聲明,或透過框架、鏡像或利用類似技術;
vii. 以和本公司產品、服務或品牌具關聯性之隱晦暗示方式存取或使用迪士尼產品;
viii. 不論營利與否,將迪士尼產品用於任何商業或與業務相關之用途,或利用迪士尼產品建立業務,或從事任何使第三方從事上述任何情況之活動;
ix. 繞過、更改、損毀、干擾或規避迪士尼產品之任何功能或保護機制;
x. 使用機器人(robot)、網路蜘蛛(spider)、網頁抓取(script)或其他自動化方式存取、監控、複製或提取迪士尼產品,為免生疑問其包括為了創建或開發任何AI 工具、數據挖掘或網絡搜刮,或以其他方式編譯、構建、創建或協助任何數據收集、 數據集或數據庫(除了迪士尼未禁止之範圍內,透過公共搜尋引擎使用網路蜘蛛(spider) 程式創建搜尋索引除外, 包括通過適用的 robots.txt 文件或 NOINDEX 或 NOFOLLOW 元標籤);
xi. 損壞、禁用、過載或妨害迪士尼產品;或
xii. 以任何非法方式、為任何非法目的、或以任何不符本協議之方式使用迪士尼產品。
C. 違規行為 — 任何試圖從事任一上述使用限制之行為均對迪士尼及/或智慧財產權之所有人構成侵權。
D. 出口管制 — 台端不得在違反適用之出口管制和經濟制裁要求的情況下存取或使用任何迪士尼產品。通過使用迪士尼產品獲取服務、內容或軟體,即表示台端聲明並保證您對該等服務、內容或軟體之存取和使用將符合該等要求。
A. 迪士尼產品之變更 — 迪士尼產品不斷發展並隨時間而變化。在適用法律不禁止之範圍內,本公司保留作出該等變更的權利,或於必要時停止提供迪士尼產品之權利。如果法律有所要求,本公司亦可能需要中止、限制或終止台端存取迪士尼產品。
B. 第三方服務或平台 —迪士尼產品可能會整合第三方網站、服務、應用程式、平台和/或內容,或與第三方網站、服務、應用程式、平台和/或內容整合提供。本公司無法控制該等第三方或其提供之產品。台端應該閱讀適用於該等第三方產品之使用條款協議和隱私權政策。如果您使用搭載蘋果 iOS、Android 或以微軟視窗啟動的裝置或微軟 Xbox One 存取迪士尼產品,則Apple Inc.、 Google, Inc. 或 Microsoft Corporation 將分別成為本協議之第三方受益人。然而,此等第三方受益人並非本協議之當事人。您同意台端使用上述裝置存取迪士尼產品亦應遵守第三方受益人之服務條款所載之使用條款。台端向迪士尼聲明您已閱讀並同意遵守該等條款。
C. 網際網路、瀏覽器和系統要求 — 台端可能需要高速網際網路連線及/或符合最低系統及/或瀏覽器要求始得存取和使用迪士尼產品之部分功能。您需要查看使用特定產品所需之最低要求。
D. 行動網路 — 您通過行動網路存取迪士尼產品時,應適用台端之網路或漫遊服務提供者之訊息傳輸、數據和其他費率和費用。台端之網路提供者可能會禁止或限制下載、安裝或使用特定迪士尼產品,且並非所有產品均適用於您的網路提供者或裝置。
E. 同意接收訊息 — 當台端使用迪士尼產品時,您可能有機會同意通過電子郵件、文字訊息及/或行動裝置推送通知接收本公司之通知訊息。標準之文字訊息及通話費率將適用。在法律允許之範圍內,台端同意文字訊息、來電或預錄訊息可能由自動電話系統生成。台端可以按照電子郵件中的「取消訂閱」指示、通過迪士尼產品中之設置、或回覆「STOP」( 如透過文字訊息)以取消接收推廣通知訊息。台端知悉您毋須以同意接收推廣文字訊息或來電作為使用迪士尼產品之條件。
F. 應用程式權限 — 當台端使用迪士尼產品時,您得就台端之裝置及/或帳戶授予本公司特定之權限。大部分行動裝置平台皆有提供有關該等權限以及如何更改權限設置之額外資訊(於可行的前提下)。通過下載、安裝或使用迪士尼產品,您同意接收自動軟體更新(如有適用)。
G. 資訊和娛樂目的之使用 — 台端了解並同意迪士尼產品僅供您個人之非商業用途,且旨在僅作資訊和娛樂目的之使用;提供之內容不構成法律、財經、專業、醫療或保健意見或診斷,亦不得按該等目的使用。
H. 禁止商業、市場營銷或品牌使用 — 除非獲得明確授權,否則本公司不允許將迪士尼產品或其他迪士尼之智慧財產權用於商業或與業務相關之目的,包括用於市場營銷或品牌推廣,或者宣傳、要約出售或推廣產品或服務(不論營利與否),或招攬他人(包括招攬資助或捐贈)。
I. 惡意軟體 — 台端同意不會明知地或輕率地引入病毒或其他有害元件,或者以其他方式干擾、削弱或損害任何迪士尼產品或已連接的網絡,或者干擾任何人或實體使用或享用任何迪士尼產品。台端同意不會使用可允許自動遊戲進程、加速遊戲進程、或對遊戲進程或遊戲用戶端進行其他操縱的任何軟體或裝置,且您同意不會作弊或以其他方式修改迪士尼產品或遊戲體驗,從而為某一用戶創造相對於另一用戶的優勢。
J. 模擬活動 — 台端了解為了支持迪士尼產品在廣泛地理區域內運作暢順,某些活動的各方面,例如遊戲進程,可能會被模擬以避免延誤。
K. 聯盟廣告計劃 — 迪士尼為聯盟廣告計劃的參加者,該計劃旨在為網站、應用程式或服務提供一種透過廣告和鏈結到第三方零售網站來賺取廣告費的方式。
A. 賣方身份 — 銷售乃由迪士尼或於銷售時被確認之授權賣方(如有不同)進行。如台端對您的訂單有任何疑問,請按授權賣方所提供之地址聯繫賣方,他們會為您提供協助。迪士尼產品之某些數位店面係由第三方營運,在該情況下,可能會適用不同或其他之銷售條款,該等條款提供予台端時,您應詳閱之。
B. 數位內容與虛擬物品 — 本公司可能會於迪士尼產品上或通過授權之第三方向台端提供應用程式、遊戲、軟體或其他數位內容,供您在支付一次性費用之條件下以獲得授權。當台端購買迪士尼產品以存取其內容的授權時,本公司將在您完成購買授權之前向您揭露費用資訊。
C. 數位電影代碼 — 於原版「光碟 + 代碼」組合套裝中(包括 DVD、藍光及/或 4K/UHD光碟及數位代碼之套裝)的數位代碼不得單獨出售,並只可能由在原版「光碟 + 代碼」組合套裝中獲得代碼之個人或其家庭成員兌換。如單獨出售,數位代碼不會獲得授權以進行兌換。台端得根據本協議及您存取或下載數位電影之參與數位內容提供者之條款及細則使用數位電影代碼,以獲得數位電影之授權存取權限。以不符合本協議的方式出售、分發、購買或轉讓數位電影代碼之行為將被視為無效。
數位電影代碼之退還 — 如果您不同意上述台端或其家庭成員在原版「光碟 + 代碼」組合套裝兌換數位電影代碼之條款及細則,您可以於此鏈結中提供的條件規定下將「光碟 + 代碼」組合套裝退還予迪士尼。
D. 訂閱 — 部份迪士尼產品需要付費訂閱並需要台端接受補充條款方可存取。透過註冊訂閱即表示您同意自動續訂,以及除非您取消訂閱,否則您授權本公司得就續訂期間內透過您的付款方式收費。台端同意本公司可於提前通知您的情況下更改訂閱條款並提供您機會以取消訂閱。除非另有向您揭露,自動續訂之期間將與台端先前之訂閱期間相同。續訂價格將不超過前一個訂閱期之費用,但不包括任何促銷和折扣定價,除非在您自動續訂之前,本公司通知您費率將有所變更,而在該情況下您有權取消您的訂閱之續訂。本公司可能不時提供迪士尼產品之免費試用訂閱。如您註冊了免費試用訂閱,除非您在免費試用訂閱期滿之前取消訂閱,否則本公司將於免費試用訂閱期滿後開始向您的帳戶收費。
E. 訂購流程 — 台端有機會審閱和確認您的訂單,包括送貨地址(如適用)、付款方式和產品細節。本公司如接受台端之訂單後,將向您發送通知,屆時,本公司將被視為完成接受,且就任何目的而言,本公司已於發送通知您時即生送達效力。此時,銷售合約即告訂立,並對您及本公司均具拘束力。您所購買任何商品之損失風險,以及為該等商品投保之責任,將於該等商品交付之時轉移給您。
F. 付款與帳單 — 當台端提供付款資訊時,您聲明及保證該資訊準確無誤,及本公司已 獲得授權使用您所提供之付款方式,且您將於付款資訊有任何變更時通知本公司。本公司保留利用第三方信用卡更新服務以獲得信用卡及簽帳卡的當前有效期限的之權利。
G. 取消權利;退貨 — 視迪士尼產品之性質而定,台端得取消迪士尼產品之訂單。請仔細閱讀以下資訊以了解台端之取消權利
i. 取消訂閱:請參閱上文「訂閱」部分之有關取消訂閱之流程。
ii. 數位內容:當台端購買存取數位內容或虛擬物品之授權時,您將有機會在購買時同意業已交付。同意交付即表示台端知悉您已喪失取消權。除非另有說明,就數位內容給付之授權購買費用一律不予退還。
iii. 實體商品:自收到實體商品之日起三十 (30) 天內,台端有權取消您與本公司訂立之合約並返還其商品。此權利不適用於本公司在迪士尼產品上列為不可退貨之產品,包括但不限於:
- 任何帶有封條且封條已損壞之產品,如錄音和錄影、電腦軟體、CD、DVD或其他以密封包裝之實體媒體;以及
- 個人化物品。
iv. 個人化物品:本公司保留自行決定拒絕個人化訂單的權利。 不當使用本公司之個人化服務將導致您的訂單被取消並退還任何款項。
H. 定價;稅項 — 本公司得變更本公司所提供之迪士尼產品之定價。當台端下達訂單時,為方便起見,本公司會估算稅額,並將估算稅額計入總額。除適用稅法要求的範圍外,適用於您的訂單並向按您所選擇之付款方式收取實際稅額,係依出貨日期所作之計算,而非訂單下達日期。
I. 國際裝運;海關 — 當訂購的商品需交付至賣方所在國家/地區以外之國家/地區時, 台端可能須支付所徵收之進口關稅和稅項。此等關稅和稅項以及任何其他報關費用須 由您承擔。就進行國際裝運之商品而言,請注意,任何製造商之保證均可能無效;可能不會提供製造商服務選項;手冊、說明書和安全警告可能不會使用目的地國家/地區之語言;商品和隨附資料可能不會根據目的地國家/地區的標準、規格和標示規定設計;而且,商品亦可能不符合目的地國家/地區之電壓(需要使用轉接器或轉換器)。台端應負責確保商品得以合法進口至目的地國家/地區。若向我們訂購本公司商品,收貨人為目的地國家/地區記錄在案之進口商,且必須遵守該國家/地區的所有法律法規。
J. 禮品卡 — 迪士尼禮品卡可用於與特定迪士尼產品相關之購買及/或兌換,受額外服 務條款約束。禮品卡之危險移轉和法定權利在電子傳輸或交付給運送人時轉移至台端。禮品卡可在符合資格之地點兌換符合資格之產品和服務。請查看禮品卡常見問題以獲 取更多資訊。
台端於迪士尼產品中參加之競賽、抽獎和其他類似推廣活動,或與結合了第三方網站、服務、應用程式、平台及/或內容之迪士尼產品相關競賽、抽獎和其他類似推廣活動(「迪士尼推廣活動」),得受本協議補充之官方規則及/或條件拘束,而得被迪士尼推廣活動提供之詳情所拘束,如資格要求、參賽指引、截止日期、獎品資訊和限制。如台端欲參加任何迪士尼推廣活動,請先瀏覽適用之官方規則及/或條件。如迪士尼推廣活動之官方規則及/或條件與本協議有衝突之處,則以約定規範及控制迪士尼推廣活動之官方規則及/或條件中的條款為準。若台端參加迪士尼推廣活動並有構成使用者生成內容之情況(定義見下文第7 條),您應受本協議中規定您的提交作品和本公司之使用者生成內容使用之所有條款約束。
對於因以下原因造成迪士尼產品之任何部分功能缺失或無法提供,或任何內容或數據丟失,本公司概不負責:台端之設備、裝置、操作系統或網際網路連接;或台端未能遵守指定之 兼容性要求。
除非適用法律禁止,於在任何情況下,本公司就所有損害、損失和訴因對台端承擔之責任總額不超過一千美元 (US $1,000)。
A. 關於提交作品及未經請求而主動提供想法之政策 — 本公司之公司政策歷來不允許本公司接受或考慮未經請求而主動提供之創新想法、建議或其他資料。就台端向本公司提交之任何內容而言,無論本公司是否提出了請求,台端均同意,您所提交之創新想法、建議或其他資料不是在保密或受委託之情況下提交,台端與本公司之間未曾以任何方式建立或者打算以任何方式建立任何保密或委託關係,且您不會期待有任何類型之審核、補償或對價。
B. 使用者生成內容 — 迪士尼產品可能要求或允許台端傳遞、提交、上傳或以其他方式提供得供大眾存取及瀏覽之文本、對話、圖像、錄音、錄影、參賽作品或其他內容(「使用者生成內容」)。存取該等內容可能受到年齡限制。不論本公司提供之迪士尼產品或與迪士尼產品相關之迪士尼產品出現在迪士尼網站、服務和/或平台上,或 與第三方網站、服務、應用程式和/或平台整合,您都不得提交或上傳誹謗性、騷擾性、威脅性、偏執的、可憎的、暴力的、粗俗的、淫穢的、色情的或因其他令人反感、或傷害或可合理預期會傷害任何人或實體之使用者生成內容,不論該等素材是否受法律保護。
C. 就著作權侵犯的主張 —著作權侵權通知和回復通知皆須發送至本公司之指定代理人:
Attn: TWDC Designated Agent
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, California 91521, USA
電話:+1 818-560-1000
傳真:+1 818-560-4299
本公司將根據《1998 年美國數位千禧年著作權法案》(「DMCA」)或適用的其他法律,針對已提出並回報至本公司指定的著作權代理人有關使用迪士尼產品而構成之著作權侵害主張,本公司將盡快做出回應。。就本公司在美國地區提供之迪士尼產品而言,此等通知必須包含 DMCA 中所載以及此處連結所詳述的必要資訊。
台端和迪士尼同意通過以下提供的單一仲裁人之方式解決所有爭議(包括任何涉及華特迪士尼公司、其子公司或其關係企業之相關爭議),但不包括:(i)於小額法院的管轄內符合該管轄權範圍和可能適用的金額限制的任何索賠,只要其為個人爭議而非集體訴訟;和 (ii) 任何與智慧財產權所有權或強制執行有關的爭議。「爭議」包括您和迪士尼之間關於迪士尼產品或本協議的任何主張、爭議、訴訟或其他爭議,不論是基於過去、現在或將來事件,不論是基於合約、侵權行為、成文法或普通法,或解決與此等條款的解釋、適用性或可執行性有關或與本協議的形成有關的任何爭議的獨有權力,包括但不限於任何爭議的可仲裁性,以及本協議的全部或任何部分無效或可作無效的任何主張。
A. 小額法院 — 根據適用的管轄權要求,台端或本公司可以選擇在當地的小額法院中處理爭議,而不是通過下列非正式爭議解決程序或仲裁進行,只要該事項件在小額法院中且僅以個人形式進行。 一方若已提交仲裁要求,另一方可自行決定是否通知仲裁庭並選擇在小額法院審理爭議, 屆時,仲裁庭將結束仲裁,爭議將在適格的小額法院進行審理,仲裁申請之相對人無需支付任何費用。
B. 非正式爭議解決機制 — 在發生爭議時,台端和迪士尼同意各方充分和公平的機會以 非正式方式處理和解決爭議,以試圖避免正式解決爭議的費用。除得在小額法院解決 之爭議或與智慧財產權所有權或執行有關的爭議外,索賠方應向另一方發送爭議通知,且該通知須為書面聲明,其中明列發出通知一方的名字、地址和聯絡資訊,及足以評估個人索賠的案情之詳細事實資訊,以及所尋求的具體救濟,包括所要求的任何金額以及計算索賠損失的方法。
台端必須將任何爭議通知發送至迪士尼, 地址為500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, California 91521-7620, USA,收件人:法律部。本公司將通過您提供的聯絡資訊向您發送所有的爭議通知,其中可能包括與您的迪士尼帳戶內相關的聯絡資訊(如適用)。自爭議通知發出之日起六十(60)天,您和迪士尼將嘗試通過非正式協商解決爭議。此非正式協商要求您親自出席或透過電話或視訊會議親自進行單獨會面和協商,此非正式協商只能解決您與迪士尼之間的爭議(「會議」)。如您有律師代表,您的律師可一同參與會議,但您本人也應參與其中。迪士尼將派出一名或多名代表參加會議,其中可能包括本公司的律師。在非正式協商期結束後的六十(60)天(而非之前),且僅在針對某項索賠的會議結束後,台端或本公司可就該索賠啟動仲裁程序。本段中的任何內容均無意禁止雙方在任何會議或向小額法院提出訴訟之前、期間或之後進行非正式溝通,以解決提告方的索賠。各方均同意,法院可頒布禁令救濟措施以執行本段規定的申請前要求,包括中止違反本段規定而啟動的仲裁的禁令。
C. 仲裁程序和規則 — 若台端和迪士尼未能通過非正式爭議解決機制或小額法院解決爭議,該爭議應通過具有拘束力的仲裁解決。《美國聯邦仲裁法案》(9 U.S.C. §§ 1- 16),包括其程序條款,而非州法,管轄本仲裁協議的解釋及執行。任何仲裁請求必須 提 交 予 ADR Services, Inc. ( 「 ADR Services 」 )(https://www.adrservices.com/)。若ADR Services 無法進行仲裁,則由National Arbitration and Mediation(「NAM」)(https://www.namadr.com/)進行仲裁。除非該等規定與本協議在某種程度上有衝突之處,仲裁庭的規定將管轄本仲裁的所有事項。仲裁將由一名單獨中立的仲裁員進行。仲裁可以通過親身、文件提交、電話或線上進行仲裁。無法通過文件提交、電話或線上進行的訴訟程序將在加利福尼亞州洛杉磯或紐約州紐約市曼哈頓行政區進行,以對您更方便的地點為準;但是,如果您能夠證明在洛杉磯或曼哈頓行政區進行仲裁將對您構成不當的負擔,仲裁員可以在您所在的居住地區親自開庭。台端和迪士尼同意接受加利福尼亞州洛杉磯或紐約州紐約市曼哈頓行政區(對您更方便的地點)的聯邦或州法院的專有司法管轄權,以便受理執行仲裁、中止仲裁程序、或確認、修改、撤銷或對仲裁員所做的裁決作出判決。仲裁員可以像法院一樣要求向任何一方單獨裁定損害賠償,包括宣告或禁令救濟,但僅限於滿足該方個別索賠所需的範圍。
D. 費用 — 如本公司對台端提起仲裁,本公司將支付與仲裁相關的所有費用,包括所有申請費用。如果您是提起仲裁的一方,您將負責支付 ADR Services 或 NAM 要求之不可退還的初始申請費用和其他適用費用。ADR Services 規定了其服務的費用,其載於 https://www.adrservices.com/rate-fee-schedule/ 。 NAM 允 許 任 何 人 在 https://www.namadr.com/info-request-form/?request_type=Standard_Fees_and_Costs 上查詢其服務收費資訊。如果仲裁員發現索賠的實質內容或所尋求的救濟違反了《聯邦民事訴訟規則》第 11 條的陳述要求,在法律允許的範圍內,仲裁員應具有同等權力來裁定符合該規則的制裁。
E. 和解提議和提供判决要約 — 在爭議仲裁開庭日期確定前至少十 (10) 個日曆天,台 端或我方可向另一方送達書面判決要約,以允許依特定條款作出判決。如果要約被接 受,要約和接受證明應提交予仲裁員,仲裁員應據此做出判決。若要約在仲裁開庭前或作出要約後三十(30)個日曆天內(以先到者為準)未被接受,則應視為撤回要約,不得在仲裁中作為證據。若一方提出的要約未被另一方接受,且另一方未能獲得更有利的裁決,則另一方不得收回其提出要約後的費用,而應支付提出要約方自提出要約時起的費用(包括向仲裁庭支付的所有費用)。
F. 仲裁協議的存續效力 – 本仲裁協議在台端終止與迪士尼的關係後繼續有效,包括您撤銷任何您曾授予本公司的同意或採取其他行動終止您與任何迪士尼產品的合作或使用或與本公司的任何通訊。
G. 選擇退出 – 台端可透過郵件退出而不受本仲裁協議之拘束。如您這樣做,任何一方都不能強迫另一方進行仲裁。如需選擇退出,您必須在首次受本仲裁協議約束後三十(30)個日曆天內以書面通知本公司;否則,您必須依據本協議對爭議進行非集體之 仲裁程序。如台端只選擇退出本協議之仲裁條款而不受其拘束,但未同時退出拋棄集體訴訟條款之適用者,則拋棄集體訴訟之約定仍然適用於您。您不能僅選擇退出拋棄集體訴訟條款之適用而未同時選擇退出本仲裁協議。您的退出通知必須包括您的姓名和地址、您用於設定迪士尼帳戶的電子郵件地址(如您有),以及您希望退出本仲裁協議(如適用,還包括您希望拋棄集體訴訟)的明確聲明。您必須將您的退出通知郵寄至:P.O. Box 11565, Burbank, California 91510, USA, Attention: Disney Opt-Out。為明確起見,透過電子郵件提交的退出通知恕為無效。
A. 訴訟地選擇 — 台端同意,由本協議引起或與本協議有關的任何法律訴訟或衡平法訴訟,如果不屬於仲裁範圍,則只能在位於加利福尼亞州洛杉磯或美國紐約州紐約巿曼哈頓行政區的州法院或聯邦法院提起訴訟,並且您同意並接受該等法院對此類訴訟的個人管轄權。
B. 法律選擇 — 本協議受美國紐約州和美國法律管轄並據該等法律解釋,但不適用實行任何法律衝突原則。
C. 可分割性 — 如本協議的任何條款非法、無效或因任何原因無法執行,則該條款應被視為從本協議中分割出去,且不影響任何本協議中其他條款的有效性及執行性。
D. 存續條款 — 本協議中的任何條款,凡是根據其性質應在本協議終止後繼續有效的,均在本協議終止後繼續有效,包括但不限於第 2、3、6、7 和 8 節中所述的限制、免責聲明、限制條款、本公司使用所提交內容的權利、有關爭議解決的規則以及本第9 節中的一般規定。
E. 抛棄條款 — 本公司對本協議任何條款的拋棄,不得視為對該條款或任何其他條款的進一步或持續拋棄,而任何於本協議下本公司未行使的權利或條款,不構成對該權利或條款的拋棄。
Terms of Use – United States
Last Updated: July 10, 2024
Disney DTC LLC and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “Disney” “we” or “us”) are pleased to provide to you certain websites, software, applications, content, products, and services in any media format or channel, now known or hereafter devised (“Disney Products” and “Products”), which may be branded Disney, ABC, ESPN, Marvel, Pixar, Lucasfilm, FX, Searchlight Pictures, 20th Century Studios, National Geographic, or another brand owned or licensed by Disney. References to Disney Products also include any elements of the Disney Products.
- These Terms of Use Are a Contract Between You and Us
- License Grant and Restrictions
- Usage Rules
- Paid Transactions
- Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions
- Disclaimers and Limitation on Liability
- Submissions, User Generated Content, DMCA Takedown Notices
- Additional Provisions
1. These Terms of Use Are a Contract Between You and Us
A. Binding Contract. These terms of use (“Agreement”) are a contract between you and Disney DTC LLC, as a Delaware limited liability company doing business at 500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, California 91521, USA and its affiliates and subsidiaries. Other than as expressly stated herein, there are no third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement.
B. Agreement. You represent to Disney that you have read, understood, and expressly agree to be bound by this Agreement, and the terms, conditions, and notices contained or referenced herein, whether you have created a Disney account or an equivalent unified account for Disney Products (and agree to this Agreement at the time you created that account) or whether you simply browse, use, or access a Disney Product offered directly by Disney or through a third party (and agree to this Agreement when you browse, use, or access any aspect of the Disney Product). If you do not agree to the Agreement, you may not use the Disney Products.
C. Supplemental Terms. This Agreement governs the Disney Products in general. More specific and/or supplemental terms and conditions may apply to some Products, including but not limited to, a particular contest, sweepstakes or promotion, software, application, promotional code, service or other activity; availability of certain merchandise, content, programs, or other activities; conditions or other limitations to the Disney Products for users under certain ages; and/or specific terms or restrictions that may accompany certain territories, programs, content, products, websites, applications or other software. ANY SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE IN ADDITION TO THIS AGREEMENT AND, IN THE EVENT OF A CONFLICT, THE SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS WILL PREVAIL OVER THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE APPLICABLE SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS DISCLOSED, YOU MAY NOT USE THE DISNEY PRODUCT.
D. Amendments. We may need to make changes to any portion of this Agreement from time to time and for many reasons, including to reflect updates to the Disney Products or changes in law. If we make a material change to this Agreement, to the extent permitted by the applicable laws, it will be effective thirty (30) days following either our dispatch of a notice to you or our posting of the amended terms through the Disney Products, the third party that makes Disney Products available to you, or at disneytermsofuse.com. You are responsible for periodically reviewing this Agreement for updates and amendments. By continuing to use the Disney Products you will be deemed to have agreed to and accepted any amendments. If you do not agree to any change to this Agreement, you must discontinue using the Disney Products. Our customer service representatives are not authorized to modify any provision of this Agreement, either verbally or in writing.
E. Accounts. In addition to a Disney account or an equivalent unified account for Disney Products, some Disney Products may permit or require you to create an account to participate or to secure additional benefits. You agree that any information you provide and maintain is accurate, current and complete, including your account information, contact information for notices and other communications from us and your payment information. You agree not to impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity, including using another person’s username, password or other account information, or another person’s name or likeness, or provide false details for a parent or guardian. You agree that we may take steps to verify the accuracy of information you provide, including contact information for a parent or guardian.
F. Passwords and Security. You agree that you will not share your account or account information with others. You are responsible for taking reasonable steps to maintain the confidentiality of your username and password, and you are responsible for all activities under your account that you can reasonably control. You agree to promptly notify us of any unauthorized use of your username, password or other account information, or of any other breach of security that you become aware of involving your account or the Disney Products.
G. Electronic Notice. You consent to receive notices, including agreements, disclosures, and other communications, electronically from us at the email address you have provided. You agree that these electronic notices satisfy any legal requirements that such communications be in writing.
H. Termination or Suspension. To the extent permitted by the applicable laws, we may terminate or suspend your access to any Disney Products, and/or terminate this Agreement subject to the survival of terms as provided below, if required by law, or if we have objective reason to believe you have used the Disney Products in violation of any provision of this Agreement or any supplemental terms, and/or if you engage in or encourage infringement or any other illegal conduct as it relates to your use of the Disney Products.
2. License Grant and Restrictions
The Disney Products, including, but not limited to, movies, television shows, entertainment or informational programming, trailers, bonus material, scripts, code, images and artwork, are our copyrighted, patented or trademarked property or the copyrighted, patented or trademarked property of our licensors and all copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress, patents and other intellectual property rights in the Disney Products are owned by us or our licensors (who may be third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement) and protected by the copyright, trademark, patent and other laws of the United States and international treaties.
A. Consumer License. If a Disney Product, or third party providing Disney Products subject to this Agreement, is configured to enable the use of software, content, virtual items or other materials owned or licensed by us, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable license to access and use such software, content, virtual item or other material for your personal, noncommercial use only, only for as long as that Disney Product is made available to you by us, or an authorized third party, and only in accordance with this Agreement and/or the specific terms that apply to that Disney Product, with no right to reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, make available to the public, or transform any Disney Product, including in connection with any use, creation, development, modification, prompting, fine- tuning, training, testing, benchmarking or validation of any artificial intelligence or machine learning tool, model, system, algorithm, product or other technology (“AI Tool”), in any media format or channel now known or hereafter devised (except as may be expressly described within the Disney Product or used in a Disney Product in the manner for which it was intended). This is a license agreement and not an agreement for sale or assignment of any rights in the Disney Products. Except as we specifically agree in writing, no element of the Disney Products may be used or exploited in any way other than as part of the authorized Product made available to you. You may own the physical media on which elements of the Disney Products are made available to you, but we retain full and complete ownership of the Disney intellectual property. We do not transfer title to any portion of the Disney websites, software, applications, content, virtual items or other materials and/or services to you. Likewise, the purchase of a license to use any Disney Product does not create an ownership interest in the Disney websites, software, applications, content, virtual items or other materials and/or services.
B. Restrictions on Your Use of Disney’s Products. You agree that you will not nor permit another person to do any of the following without our express written permission, and that these restrictions are a condition to your license:
i. circumvent or disable any content protection system or digital rights management technology used in connection with the Disney Product;
ii. copy the Disney Product (except as expressly permitted by us);
iii. rebroadcast, transmit or perform the Disney Product;
iv. create derivative works of the Disney Product or any part thereof, except as and only to the extent that any foregoing restriction is prohibited by applicable law;
v. move, decompile, reverse-engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce to human-readable form the Disney Products and/or the video player(s), underlying technology, any digital rights management mechanism, device, or other content protection or access control measure incorporated into the video player(s);
vi. modify the Disney Products, including, but not limited to, by removing identification, copyright or other proprietary notices from the Disney Products, or by framing, mirroring, or utilizing similar techniques;
vii. access or use the Disney Products in a manner that suggests an association with our products, services or brands;
viii. use the Disney Products for any commercial or business-related use or build a business utilizing the Disney Products, or engage in any activity to enable third parties to engage in any of the foregoing activities, in each case whether or not for profit;
ix. bypass, modify, defeat, tamper with or circumvent any of the functions or protections of the Disney Products;
x. access, monitor, copy or extract the Disney Products using a robot, spider, script, or other automated means, including, for the avoidance of doubt, for the purposes of creating or developing any AI Tool, data mining or web scraping or otherwise compiling, building, creating or contributing to any collection of data, data set or database (other than for a public search engine’s use of spiders for creating search indices to the extent not disallowed by Disney, including through the applicable robots.txt files or NOINDEX or NOFOLLOW meta-tags);
xi. damage, disable, overburden or impair the Disney Products; or
xii. use the Disney Products in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose, or in any manner inconsistent with this Agreement.
C. Violation. Any attempt to perform any of the restricted actions listed above is a violation of the rights of Disney and/or the intellectual property rights holder.
D. Export Controls. You may not access or use any Disney Product in violation of the applicable export control and economic sanctions requirements. By acquiring services, content or software through the Disney Products, you represent and warrant that your access to and use of the services, content or software will comply with those requirements.
A. Changes to the Disney Products. The Disney Products are constantly evolving and will change over time. We reserve the right to make such changes or, if necessary, discontinue Disney Products to the extent not prohibited by the applicable laws. If required by law, we may also need to suspend, restrict, or terminate your access to Disney Products.
B. Third-Party Services or Platforms. The Disney Products may integrate, be integrated into, or be provided in connection with third-party websites, services, applications, platforms, and/or content. We do not control those third-parties or the products they make available. You should read the terms of use agreements and privacy policies that apply to such third-party products. If you access a Disney Product using an Apple iOS, Android or Microsoft Windows-powered device or Microsoft Xbox One, Apple Inc., Google, Inc. or Microsoft Corporation, respectively, shall be a third-party beneficiary of this Agreement. However, these third-party beneficiaries are not a party to this Agreement. You agree that your access to the Disney Products using these devices also shall be subject to the usage terms set forth in the applicable third-party beneficiary’s terms of service. You represent to Disney that you have read and agreed to those terms.
C. Internet, Browser and System Requirements. You may need a high speed Internet connection and/or minimum system and/or browser requirements to access and use certain aspects of the Disney Products. You are required to review the minimum requirements necessary for use of the specific Product.
D. Mobile Networks. When you access the Disney Products through a mobile network, your network or roaming provider’s messaging, data and other rates and fees will apply.
Downloading, installing or using certain Products may be prohibited or restricted by your network provider and not all Products may work with your network provider or device.
E. Consent to Messages. When you use the Disney Products, you may be given the opportunity to consent to receive communications from us through email, text, and/or mobile push notifications. Standard text and calling rates will apply. To the extent permitted by the applicable laws, you agree that texts, calls or prerecorded messages may be generated by automatic telephone dialing systems. You can opt out of promotional communications by following the “Unsubscribe” directions for emails, through the settings of the Disney Product, or, if via text message, by responding STOP to the extent permitted by the applicable laws. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO CONSENT TO RECEIVE PROMOTIONAL TEXTS OR CALLS AS A CONDITION OF USING THE DISNEY PRODUCTS.
F. App Permissions. When you use the Disney Products, you may grant certain permissions to us for your device and/or accounts. Most mobile device platforms provide additional information regarding these permissions and how, if possible, to changes your permission settings. By downloading, installing or using the Disney Products, you agree to receive automatic software updates (as applicable).
G. Informational and Entertainment Purposes. You understand that the Disney Products are for your personal, noncommercial use and are intended for informational and entertainment purposes only; the content available does not constitute legal, financial, professional, medical or healthcare advice or diagnosis and cannot be used for such purposes.
H. Commercial, Marketing, or Branding Use Prohibited. Except as expressly licensed, we do not allow uses of the Disney Products, or other Disney intellectual property, that are commercial or business-related, including uses in marketing or branding, or that advertise or offer to sell or promote products or services (whether or not for profit), or that solicit others (including solicitations for contributions or donations).
I. Malware. You agree not to knowingly or recklessly introduce a virus or other harmful component, or otherwise tamper with, impair or damage any Disney Product or connected network, or interfere with any person or entity’s use or enjoyment of any Disney Product. You agree not to use any software or device that allows automated gameplay, expedited gameplay, or other manipulation of gameplay or game client and you agree not to cheat or otherwise modify a Disney Product or game experience to create an advantage for one user over another.
J. Simulated Activity. You understand that to support smooth operation of the Disney Products across wide geographic areas, aspects of certain activities, such as game play, may be simulated to avoid delays.
K. Affiliate Advertising Programs. Disney is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for websites, apps, or services to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to third party retail sites.
A. Identity of Seller. Sales are made by Disney or the authorized seller identified at the time of sale, if different. If you have questions about your order, please contact the seller at the address provided and they will assist you. Some digital storefronts on the Disney Products are operated by third parties and, in that case, different or additional sale terms may apply, which you should read when they are presented to you.
B. Digital Content and Virtual Items. We may make applications, games, software or other digital content available on the Disney Products or through authorized third parties for you to license for a one-time fee. When purchasing a license to access such material from a Disney Product, charges will be disclosed to you before you complete the license purchase.
Your purchase of a virtual item or in-game currency is a payment for a limited, non-assignable license to access and use such content or functionality as intended by the Disney Products with no right to reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, make available to the public or transform any Disney Product via any online media, in any media format or channel now known or hereafter devised (except as may be expressly described or contemplated within the Disney Product). Virtual items (including characters and character names) or in-game currency purchased or available to you in the Disney Products can only be used in connection with the Disney Products where you obtained them or where they were assembled by you as a result of game play. These items are not redeemable or subject to refund and cannot be traded outside of the Disney Products for money or other items for value. We may modify or discontinue virtual items or in-game currency at any time to the extent permitted by the applicable laws.
C. Digital Movie Codes. Digital codes originally packaged in a combination disc + code package (a package that includes a DVD, Blu-Ray, and/or 4K/UHD disc(s) and a digital code) may not be sold separately and may be redeemed only by an individual who obtains the code in the original combination disc + code package, or by a family member of that individual. Digital codes are not authorized for redemption if sold separately. You may use digital movie codes to obtain licensed access to digital movies only as specifically authorized under this Agreement and the terms and conditions of the participating provider of digital content through which you access or download the digital movie. Digital movie codes sold, distributed, purchased, or transferred in a manner inconsistent with this Agreement are subject to being invalidated.
Digital Movie Code Returns. If you do not agree to the above terms and conditions for redeeming a digital movie code obtained by you or a family member in an original combination disc + code package, you may return the combination disc + code package to Disney for a refund subject to the conditions provided at this link.
D. Subscriptions. Some Disney Products require paid subscriptions and the acceptance of supplemental terms to access. By signing up for a subscription, you agreed that your subscription will be automatically renewed and, unless you cancel your subscription, you authorized us to charge your payment method for the renewal term. You agree that we can change the terms of the subscription with advance notice to you and an opportunity for you to cancel. The period of auto-renewal will be the same as your initial subscription period unless otherwise disclosed to you. The renewal rate will be no more than the rate for the immediately prior subscription period, excluding any promotional and discount pricing, unless we notify you of a rate change prior to your auto-renewal, in which case you will have the right to cancel the renewal of your subscription. From time to time, we may offer a free trial subscription for a Disney Product. If you register for a free trial subscription, we will begin to bill your account when the free trial subscription expires, unless you cancel your subscription before that time.
Unless otherwise disclosed when you subscribe, you have the right to cancel your Disney Product subscription . When a subscription is canceled, you might not receive a prorated refund, but in such case you will continue to have access to the Disney Products until the end of the term during which you canceled the subscription. If you cancel your subscription, you will still be obligated to pay other charges incurred by you in the course of using the Disney Product prior to the date of cancellation. If you pay a periodic subscription fee for a Disney Product, we will provide you with reasonable notice of changes to the fees or billing methods in advance of their effective date and you will be able to cancel your subscription prior to such change. If you subscribed online, we will give you the option of cancelling the subscription online.
E. The Order Process. You will have the opportunity to review and confirm your order, including delivery address (if applicable), payment method and product details. We will send to you a notice when we accept your order and our acceptance will be deemed complete and for all purposes to have been effectively communicated to you at the time we send the notice. At such time, the contract for sale will be made and become binding on both you and us. The risk of loss in any goods you purchase and the responsibility to insure them passes to you when the relevant goods are delivered.
We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order prior to delivery. Some situations that may result in your order being cancelled include system or typographical errors, inaccuracies in product or pricing information or product availability, fairness among customers where supplies are limited, or problems identified by our credit or fraud departments. We also may require additional verification or information before accepting an order. We will contact you if any portion of your order is cancelled or if additional information is required to accept your order. If your order is cancelled after we have processed your payment but prior to delivery, we will refund your payment.
F. Payments and Billing. When you provide payment information, you represent and warrant that the information is accurate, that you are authorized to use the payment method provided, and that you will notify us of changes to the payment information. We reserve the right to utilize third party payment card updating services to obtain current expiration dates on credit cards and debit cards.
G. Right of Cancellation; Return of Goods. You may have the right to cancel an order placed for a Disney Product – depending on the nature of the Disney Product. Please read the following information carefully so you understand your right of cancellation.
If you wish to cancel, you must do so by following the cancellation instructions for the particular Disney Product. A sample cancellation form is available here.
i. Cancelling Subscriptions: Please see the information above on the process for cancelling subscriptions in our Subscriptions section, above.
ii. Digital Content: When you purchase a license to access digital content or virtual items, you will be given an opportunity to consent to delivery at the time of purchase. By consenting to delivery, you acknowledge that you have lost the right to cancel. License purchase fees paid for digital content are non-refundable unless otherwise indicated.
iii. Physical Goods: You have the right, within thirty (30) days from the date of your receipt of physical goods, to cancel our contract with you and return the goods. This right does not apply to goods stated by us on the Disney Products to be non-returnable, including but not limited to:
- Any products with a seal, where the seal is broken, such as audio and video recordings, computer software, and CD’s, DVD’s or other physical media that have been supplied in sealed packaging; and
- Personalized items.
iv. Personalized Goods: We reserve the right to refuse personalized orders at our discretion. Inappropriate use of our personalization service will cause your order to be cancelled and any payment refunded.
These cancellation rights are separate from and in addition to your rights should any item we supply be faulty.
If you are returning goods that are not faulty, you may be required to pay for the cost of returning the goods to us and we may deduct a reasonable amount if you used the goods.
H. Pricing; Taxes. We may revise the pricing for the Disney Products we offer. When you place your order, we estimate the applicable tax and include that estimate in the total for your convenience. Except to the extent required under applicable tax laws, the actual tax amount that will be applied to your order and charged to your payment method is based on calculations on the date of shipment, regardless of when the order was placed.
I. International Shipping; Customs. When ordering goods for delivery to countries/regions other than the country/region where the seller is located, you may have to pay import duties and taxes levied. These and any additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by you. For goods shipped internationally, please note that any manufacturer warranty may not be valid; manufacturer service options may not be available; manuals, instructions and safety warnings may not be in destination country/region languages; the goods and accompanying materials may not be designed in accordance with destination country/region standards, specifications, and labeling requirements; and the goods may not conform to destination country/region voltage (requiring use of an adapter or converter). You are responsible for assuring the goods can be lawfully imported to the destination country/region. When ordering from us, the recipient is the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the destination country/region.
J. Gift Cards. Disney gift cards may be offered for purchase and/or redemption in connection with certain Disney Products, subject to additional terms of service. The risk of loss and title for gift cards passes to you at the time of electronic transmission or delivery to the carrier. Gift cards may be redeemed at eligible locations and for eligible products and services. Please review the gift card FAQs for more information.
5. Contests, Sweepstakes and Promotions
Contests, sweepstakes and other similar promotions that you enter on a Disney Product or in connection with Disney Products integrated with a third-party website, service, application, platform, and/or content (“Disney Promotions”) may be subject to official rules and/or conditions that are supplemental to this Agreement, and which may provide details governing the Disney Promotion such as eligibility requirements, entry instructions, deadlines, prize information and restrictions. If you wish to participate in any Disney Promotion, please first review the applicable official rules and/or conditions. If a Disney Promotion’s official rules and/or conditions conflict with this Agreement, the provisions contained in the official rules and/or conditions govern and control the Disney Promotion. Your entry to a Disney Promotion constitutes User Generated Content (as defined in Section 7 below) and is subject to all provisions of this Agreement that govern your submission and our use of your User Generated Content.
6. Disclaimers and Limitation on Liability
PLEASE REFER TO THE HELP SECTION OF THE APPLICABLE DISNEY PRODUCT FOR ASSISTANCE IF A DISNEY PRODUCT IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY. It is your responsibility to ensure you follow installation instructions, have the minimum system requirements, update software as recommended, and consult our customer service resources if you encounter a problem with the Disney Products.
We shall not be liable for delay or failure in performance for causes beyond our control or any other damage which does not result from a breach of our obligations under this Agreement.
We are not liable for business losses. We only supply products for your personal, non- commercial, and domestic use. If you use the products for any other purpose we will have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, loss of business opportunity, or similar loss.
7. Submissions, User Generated Content, DMCA Takedown Notices
A. Submissions and Unsolicited Ideas Policies. Our long-standing company policy does not allow us to accept or consider unsolicited creative ideas, suggestions or materials. In connection with anything you submit to us – whether or not solicited by us – you agree that creative ideas, suggestions or other materials you submit are not being made in confidence or trust and that no confidential or fiduciary relationship is intended or created between you and us in any way, and that you have no expectation of review, compensation or consideration of any type.
B. User Generated Content. The Disney Products may ask for or allow you to communicate, submit, upload or otherwise make available text, chats, images, audio, video, contest entries or other content (“User Generated Content”), which may be accessible and viewable by the public. Access to these features may be subject to age restrictions. Whether a Disney Product made available by us or in connection with Disney Products appears on a Disney website, service and/or platform or is integrated with a third-party website, service, application, and/or platform, you may not submit or upload User Generated Content that is defamatory, harassing, threatening, bigoted, hateful, violent, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, or otherwise offensive or that harms or can reasonably be expected to harm any person or entity, whether or not such material is protected by law.
In most instances, we do not claim ownership of your User Generated Content; however, you grant us a non-exclusive, sublicensable, irrevocable and royalty-free worldwide license under all copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, privacy and publicity rights and other intellectual property rights for the full duration of those rights to use, reproduce, transmit, print, publish, publicly display, exhibit, distribute, redistribute, copy, index, comment on, modify, transform, adapt, translate, create derivative works based upon, publicly perform, publicly communicate, make available, and otherwise exploit such User Generated Content, in whole or in part, in all media formats and channels now known or hereafter devised (including in connection with the Disney Products and on third-party websites, services, applications, and/or platforms), in any number of copies and without limit as to time, manner and frequency of use, without further notice to you, without attribution (to the extent this is not contrary to mandatory provisions of applicable law), and without the requirement of permission from or payment to you or any other person or entity. You agree that submission of User Generated Content does not establish any relationship of trust and confidence between you and us, and that you have no expectation of compensation whatsoever (except as may be specifically stated in the provisions of the Disney Products in connection with the submission, or arising from it).
You represent and warrant that your User Generated Content conforms to this Agreement and that you own or have the necessary rights and permissions including, without limitation, all copyrights, music rights and likeness rights (with respect to any person) contained in the User Generated Content, without the need for payment to any other person or entity, to use and exploit, and to authorize us to use and exploit, your User Generated Content in all manners contemplated by this Agreement; and you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims or expenses (including attorneys’ fees) by any third party arising out of or in connection with our use and exploitation of your User Generated Content resulting from your breach of this Agreement. You also agree to waive and not to enforce any moral rights, ancillary rights or similar rights in or to the User Generated Content against us or our licensees, distributors, agents, representatives and other authorized users, and agree to procure the same agreement to waive and not to enforce from others who may possess such rights.
To the extent that we authorize you to create, post, upload, distribute, publicly display or publicly perform User Generated Content that requires the use of our copyrighted works, we grant you a non-exclusive license to create a derivative work using the specifically referenced copyrighted works as required for the sole purpose of creating such a work, provided that such license shall be conditioned upon your assignment to us of all rights worldwide in the work you create for the duration of copyright in the User Generated Content, in all formats and media known or unknown to date, including for use on Disney Products and on third party sites and platforms. If such rights are not assigned to us, your license to create derivative works using our copyrighted works shall be null and void.
We may monitor, screen, post, remove, modify, store and review User Generated Content or communications sent through a Disney Product, at any time and for any reason, including to ensure that the User Generated Content or communication conforms to this Agreement, without prior notice to you. We may terminate your account and access to the Disney Products if your User Generated Content violates this Agreement, including unlawful postings or content, without prior notice to you. We are not responsible for, and do not endorse or guarantee, the opinions, views, advice or recommendations posted or sent by users.
C. Claims of Copyright Infringement. Notifications of claimed copyright infringement and counter notices must be sent to our designated agent:
Attn: TWDC Designated Agent
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, California 91521, USA
Phone: +1 818-560-1000
Fax: +1 818-560-4299
Email: designated.agent@dig.twdc.com
We are only able to accept notices in the languages in which this Agreement is made available by us.
We will respond expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement committed using the Disney Products that are reported to our designated copyright agent, in accordance with the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DMCA”) or, as applicable, other laws. With respect to Disney Products hosted in the United States, these notices must include the required information set forth in the DMCA and described in detail here.
You and Disney agree to resolve, by binding individual arbitration as provided below, all Disputes (including any related disputes involving The Walt Disney Company, its subsidiaries, or its affiliates) except for: (i) any claim within the jurisdiction of a small claims court consistent with the jurisdictional and dollar limits that may apply, as long as it is an individual dispute and not a class action; and (ii) any dispute relating to the ownership or enforcement of intellectual property rights. “Dispute” includes any claim, dispute, action, or other controversy, whether based on past, present, or future events, whether based in contract, tort, statute, or common law, between you and Disney concerning the Disney Products or this Agreement, or this exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, or enforceability of these terms or the formation of this Agreement, including, without limitation, the arbitrability of any dispute, and any claim that all or any part of this Agreement is void or voidable.
Neither you nor Disney will seek to have a dispute heard as a class action or private attorney general action or in any other proceeding in which any party acts or proposes to act in a representative capacity. You and we agree not to, and expressly waive any right to, file a class action or seek relief on a class basis. No arbitration or proceeding can be combined with another without the prior written consent of all parties to the applicable arbitrations or proceedings. If this waiver of class or consolidated actions is deemed invalid or unenforceable, neither you nor we are entitled to arbitration; instead, all Disputes will be resolved in a court.
A. Small Claims Court. Subject to applicable jurisdictional requirements, you or we may elect to pursue a Dispute in a local small claims court rather than through the informal dispute resolution process described below or arbitration, so long as the matter remains in small claims court and proceeds only on an individual basis. If a party has already submitted an arbitration demand, the other party may, in its sole discretion, inform the arbitral forum that it chooses to have the Dispute heard in small claims court. At that time, the arbitral forum will close the arbitration and the Dispute will be heard in the appropriate small claims court, with no fees due from the arbitration respondent.
B. Informal Dispute Resolution. In the event of a Dispute, you and Disney agree to attempt to avoid the costs of formal dispute resolution by giving each party a full and fair opportunity to address and resolve the Dispute informally. Except for those Disputes eligible to be resolved in small claims court or relating to the ownership or enforcement of intellectual property rights, the claiming party must send to the other party a notice of a Dispute, which is a written statement that sets forth the name, address, and contact information of the party giving the notice, detailed factual information sufficient to evaluate the merits of the claiming party’s individualized claim, and the specific relief sought, including whatever amount of money is demanded and the means by which the demanding party calculated the claimed damages. You must send any notice of a Dispute to Disney, 500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, California 91521-7620, USA, Attention: Legal. We will send any notice of a Dispute to you at the contact information we have available for you, which may include, if applicable, the contact information associated with your Disney account. You and Disney will attempt to resolve a Dispute through informal negotiation within sixty (60) days beginning from the date the notice of a Dispute is sent. This informal negotiation requires an individual meet-and-confer in person, or via teleconference or videoconference, that addresses only the Dispute between you and Disney (the “Conference”). If you are represented by counsel, your counsel may participate in the Conference, but you will also need to individually participate. Disney will participate in the Conference through one or more representatives, which may include our counsel. After the end of the sixty (60) day informal negotiation period and not before, and only after the completion of the Conference with respect to a claim, you or we may commence an arbitration proceeding regarding that claim.
Nothing in this paragraph is intended to prohibit the parties from engaging in informal communications to resolve the initiating party’s claims before, during, or after any Conference or filing in small claims court. Each party agrees that a court may enter injunctive relief to enforce the pre-filing requirements of this paragraph, including an injunction to stay an arbitration that has been commenced in violation of this paragraph.
C. Arbitration Process and Rules. If you and Disney do not resolve a dispute by informal negotiation or in small claims court, the dispute shall be resolved by binding arbitration. The Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16, including its procedural provisions, and not state law, governs the interpretation and enforcement of this arbitration agreement. Any demand for arbitration must be filed with ADR Services, Inc. (“ADR Services”) (https://www.adrservices.com/). If ADR Services is not available to arbitrate, the arbitration will be conducted by National Arbitration and Mediation (“NAM”) (https://www.namadr.com/). The rules of the arbitral forum will govern all aspects of this arbitration, except to the extent those rules conflict with this Agreement. The arbitration will be conducted by a single, neutral arbitrator. Arbitration may be conducted in person, through the submission of documents, by phone, or online. Proceedings that cannot be conducted through the submission of documents, by phone, or online will take place in either Los Angeles, California or the borough of Manhattan, New York, New York, whichever is more convenient for you; provided, however, that if you can demonstrate that arbitration in Los Angeles or the borough of Manhattan would create an undue burden to you, the arbitrator may hold an in-person hearing in your hometown area. You and Disney agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal or state courts located in either Los Angeles, California or the borough of Manhattan, New York, New York, whichever is more convenient for you, in order to compel arbitration, to stay proceedings pending arbitration, or to confirm, modify, vacate, or enter judgment on the award entered by the arbitrator. The arbitrator may award damages to either party individually as a court could, including declaratory or injunctive relief, but only to the extent required to satisfy such party’s individual claim.
D. Fees. If we initiate an arbitration against you, we will pay all costs associated with the arbitration, including the entire filing fee. If you are the party initiating an arbitration, you will be responsible for the nonrefundable initial filing fee and other applicable fees, as required by ADR Services or NAM. ADR Services sets forth fees for its services, which are available at https://www.adrservices.com/rate-fee-schedule/. NAM permits any person to request information as to fees for its services at https://www.namadr.com/info-request-form/?request_type=Standard_Fees_and_Costs. If the arbitrator finds that either the substance of a claim or the relief sought violate the representation requirements of Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11, to the extent permitted by law, the arbitrator shall have the same power to award sanctions consistent with that rule.
E. Settlement Offers and Offers of Judgment. At least ten (10) calendar days before the date set for an arbitration hearing with respect to a Dispute, you or we may serve a written offer of judgment on the other party to allow judgment on specified terms. If the offer is accepted, the offer with proof of acceptance shall be submitted to the arbitrator, who shall enter judgment accordingly. If the offer is not accepted prior to the arbitration hearing or within thirty (30) calendar days after it is made, whichever is first, it shall be deemed withdrawn and cannot be given as evidence in the arbitration. If an offer made by one party is not accepted by the other party, and the other party fails to obtain a more favorable award, the other party shall not recover their post-offer costs and shall pay the offering party’s costs (including all fees paid to the arbitral forum) from the time of the offer.
F. Arbitration Agreement Survival. This arbitration agreement will survive the termination of your relationship with Disney, including any revocation of consent or other action by you to end your engagement with or use of any Disney Products or any communication with us.
G. Opt-out. You may opt out of this arbitration agreement via mail. If you do so, neither party can force the other party to arbitrate. To opt out, you must notify us in writing no later than thirty (30) calendar days after first becoming subject to this arbitration agreement; otherwise you shall be bound to arbitrate Disputes on a non-class basis in accordance with this Agreement. If you opt out of only the arbitration provisions, and not also the class action waiver, the class action waiver still applies. You may not opt out of only the class action waiver and not also the arbitration provisions. Your opt-out notice must include your name and address, the email address you used to set up your Disney account (if you have one), and an unequivocal statement that you want to opt out of this arbitration agreement (and, if applicable, that you want to opt out of the class action waiver). You must mail your opt-out notice to P.O. Box 11565, Burbank, California 91510, USA, Attention: Disney Opt-Out. For clarity, opt-out notices submitted via email will not be effective.
If you have questions or concerns about the meaning of any provision of this arbitration agreement, please feel free to seek the counsel of an attorney. We thank you for understanding why it is important that we agree on the process for addressing disputes.
A. Choice of Forum. You agree that any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to this Agreement that is not subject to arbitration shall be filed, and that venue properly lies, only in the state or federal courts located in either Los Angeles, California or the borough of Manhattan, New York, New York, United States of America and you consent and submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purposes of litigating such action.
B. Choice of Law. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York and the laws of the United States, without giving effect to any conflict of law principles.
C. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this Agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
D. Survival. The provisions of this Agreement which by their nature should survive the termination of this Agreement shall survive such termination, including but not limited to the restrictions, disclaimers, limitations, our rights to use submitted content, and rules regarding dispute resolution in Sections 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 as well as the general provisions in this Section 9.
E. Waiver. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement by us shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such provision or any other provision, and our failure to assert any right or provision under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.